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Soul Blueprint Human Design Reading
Thrive Effortlesssly in Your Energetic Alignment
Service Description
Find clarity about your personal mission and true potential with Human Design. The Human Design system is formulated from a number of different sciences and modalities. These include astrology, Kabbalah, the I Ching, the chakra system, and genetics. Human Design (HD) is a "user manual" of your life. It shows you how to thrive effortlessly by BEING in your unique energy signature. It also HD shows your talents, skills, and potential, as well as where you are susceptible to your environment's influence and conditioning. Knowing your unique gifts and energetic blueprint is the beginning of a whole new journey of self-exploration and embodiment. Because human design is an experiment to be lived, tested, played with. Not just something to read and assume your life will change. 💥 Are you done with the conventional one formula fits all manifestions? 💥Are you ready to meet your original version who are happy, free and abundant? 💥Are you curious and commited to prioprtize yourself than anyone else? (I do mean EVEYRONE.) 💥Are you excited to work on our wounds and misbeliefs and know your heart’s desire? In my 75-min Soul Blueprint Human Deasign Reading, you’ll know: 🌈 how to gain your soverignity and be the creator of your life; 🌈 what superhower do you have; 🌈 how to avoid situations that cause you phycial, emotional, and mental burnout; 🌈 your soul’s purspose in this lifetime (it has very little related to your career); 🌈 your relationship with yourself and other poeple.
Contact Details
Hong Kong